Simulation based Analysis of Non-Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio


  • Narendrakumar Chauhan *, Aasnil Shah , Purav Bhatt , Dr. Purvang Dalal


Increasing number of wireless applications and users has led to dearth of
bandwidth for such applications. Static frequency allocation utilizes the spectrum inefficiently,
fostering the requirement for dynamic spectrum allocation. One of such application of dynamic
spectrum allocation is a Cognitive Radio. A Cognitive Radio senses and understands its radio
environment, to recognize vacant spectrum and utilize it, hence leading to increased spectrum
efficiency. In Cognitive radio networks, the secondary (unlicensed) user (SU) opportunistically
exploits the radio spectrum, without causing intrusion to primary (licensed) user (PU).
Therefore, Spectrum Sensing is a crucial step in a Cognitive Radio based systems. In this paper,
we perform analysis of various Spectrum-Sensing techniques by performing simulations and
plotting the curve between probabilities of detection (Pd) and signal to noise ratio (SNR). Based
on the practical results, we conclude for the most suitable Spectrum Sensing technique in
Cognitive Radio.





