Promotion of Organic Food Products in the City of Mumbai Metropolitian Region (MMR)


  • Dr Ajay Tekchandani, Megha Hemdev, CFA


Organic agriculture is the way of farming where the production of farm products is free from the usage of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and growth hormones. In this farming, cultivation of land and growth of crops happens in a manner that promotes and improves the agricultural ecosystem and biodiversity. It is made of organic waste like animal and farm waste, aquatic waste, crop waste and other bio fertilizers for sustainable agricultural production. The method followed in this type of farming results in less input costs to the respective farmer/s & the consequent produce out of this method is not only good for the soil sustainability but also good for the wellbeing and immunity building of the consumers at large.  Considering this in mind that such agricultural produce keeps intact the soil fertility, and has long term positive implication for farmers, consumers and the environment at large, the author attempts to explore:

  1. the basic understanding of organic food products among the citizens of  Mumbai Metropolitan region (MMR)
  2. consumption levels and patterns of the given food products in MMR region
  • Ways of promoting and enhancing use of such products in this region.





