Green Marketing – A Novel Path to create meaningful Social Marketing Mix Strategy
In today’s competitive world where anything gets online reply yet its sustainability has become the most sort out word. As Human desire and its nature extends beyond are limitless, which has given spike increase and have been augmented the interest among customer worldwide concerning protection of environment. Growing concern towards ecological imbalance has provided greater environmental attention towards choice of customer handpicking products and there is a need of paradigm shift within this manner have resulted business corporation to rethink on their societal concern and their function in reaching sustainable improvement with green products being marketed as a self-sustained marketing eco-products is a brand new concept is catching up business eco-requirements. Here, researcher have identified an effective mechanism by which green marketing has the chance and opportunity to become illustrating the potential of eco innovation in marketing through by effective implementation of green marketing mix on macro and micro level and highlighting the prominent role of business entities to understand its various challenges and its future aspects. This conceptual paper encourages for companies to adopt social marketing mix strategy without compromising on profits or customers