Work Life Rhythm: Understanding the Sinusoidal Waves of Liveliness


  • S. Sriram
  • Dr. G. Rajini


The author of “The Seed” Mr.Jon Gordon says work or life balance is a myth. He explained in detail that he realized“the waves between work and life is more about rhythm than balance”. Finding the purpose and happiness in life and work. Nature’s idea of balance seems to be about rhythm, not parity, not seeking balance. There can be highs and lows and we do not have to struggle to make everything “balanced”. We all have those moments during the day when we need to speed up or when we need to slow down and chill and keep your rhythm. Find your rhythm. Instead of trying to slow down when you are in a rush and speed up when you feel sluggish, let us just go with the flow of things. Instead of life balance, we should focus on “Priority, Time, Purpose and then Passion”. In this paper, we suggest that rhythmicity is a key effect of priority and technology.We always look for change and we live in the world of continuous change, we should accept this to lead a satisfying life.

 Keywords: Priority, Time, Environment





