EAPSO_GSA: Energy Aware Routing using Hybrid PSO and Gravitational Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Swathi.Y, Sanjay Chitnis


Demand of wireless communication system is increasing rapidly. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained huge attraction due to various real-time applications such as health monitoring, sensitive area monitoring, catastrophe supervision, etc. These networks are not so high in power resource so energy conservation is very crucial aspect here. Moreover, such networks are deployed in unattended and harsh atmosphere where power sources cannot be replaced. Hence, prolonging the network lifetime is a tedious task for these networks.  Recently, energy ware routing and efficient cluster head (CH) selection techniques have been introduced to mitigate these challenges. In this work, we have focused on energy aware CH selection and routing to enhance the lifetime of network. To achieve this, we present a combined model using PSO i.e. particle swarm optimization and GSA i.e. gravitational search algorithm for CH selection. We compare the performance of proposed approach with existing techniques. The experimental study demonstrates that the presented scheme improvises the efficiency of network with respect to energy utilization, life of the network, and packet delivery ratio.

 Keywords: energy management, wireless sensor networks, cluster head.





