A Selective Study on the Impact of e-HR in Indian Context


  • Pragalbh Sharma


In the present scenario, e-HR has become a very important part in the functioning of almost all the major business houses. It helps in providing the linkages between the various important functions of the organization and also helps in disseminating the correct information related to the personnel in a timed manner, as and when required. It results in the abolition and reduction of disused actions and an increase in the overall profitability of any organization. e-HR unbelievably minimizes the over reliance and dependency over time consuming activities of creating documents and thereby leading to error free and hectic paper work. On the other hand, as we all know that it is quite natural that any advancement in technology appears with its inherent threat, i.e. in the form of increased set up costs, loss of manpower, etc. Hence, it is the duty of human resource experts to get acquainted with the latest technological changes. This article highlights output of the study conducted to identify and analyze the issues involved in installing E-HR systems in an organization.





