Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Academic Performance of Students in Higher Educational Institutions


  • Dr. S. Ramanathan


Good Performance in academics in Higher Educational Institution is a herculean task.  It is not always the skilled or talented scores high in academics but a student who has stability and smartness are able to have a better score.  The emotional quotient occupies a predominant place in success than the intelligent quotient.  EQ (Emotional Quotient) overtakes the IQ (Intelligent Quotient) to generate good AP (Academic Performance).  The various activities in the institution like co-curricular activities, extracurricular activities, cultural, sports, workshops, mega events eat away his/her time in the institution.  Further a teen ager is influenced by other entertainments, mobile apps, virtual games, social media etc.,   A student needs emotional intelligence for time management, prioritisation, decision making, smart work, compromise and co ordination to balance the various types of activities in the campus life.  This study is an effort to probe into the imperceptible link between the emotional intelligence of a student and its relationship with the academic performance in the Higher Educational Institutions.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, HEI, Students, Multiple Regression Analysis





