Corruption Prevention Through Islamic Law Approaches


  • Citra Juniarni, Lailatul Isnaini, Al Mujahid, Dian Cita Sari, Mustafiyanti


Corruption is one of the most complicated issues along the human life history. From various aspects, it is proven that corruption is the phenomena giving negative implication to human life, both in advanced countries and developing countries. Corruption issue obtains serious attention from any social experts in various fields, either sociologist, political experts, legislators, economist and others. Corruption crime does not suddenly appear immediately, but there is a reason behind it, because in essence humans are not born in a state of corruption. The factors that cause corruption are internal and external factors. All humans worldwide criticize the corruption. Any religions in the world also curse the corruption, including Islam. In Islamic law, criminal law includes jinayah law. In jinayah law the term "jarimah" is known. The types of criminal acts/ Jarimah in Islam can be seen from the severity of the sentence divided into three, namely hudud, qishosh diyat and ta'zir. Therefore, in this study, it will describe on definition of corruption, types of crimes in Islam, any factors causing the corruption, Islamic criminal law on corruption as well as solution to the Qur’an in eradication corruption.





