Various Concentrations Testing of an Essential Oil (Eucalyptus) to Knock Down Mosquitoes


  • M A Idris
  • Z Hasan
  • Z F M Rafaai
  • M R Isa
  • N Asokumar
  • N Ravindran
  • S Muniandy
  • S K K Kurukkal
  • T Duraimanickam


This paper discusses about the effectiveness of essential oil in controlling dengue vectors. Dengue has been a huge challenge to curb since a very long time especially in Asia, as 70% of the type of mosquito (Ae. Aegypty) that is able to spread the viral infection are found here. However, many methods have been developed in order to control the spread of these viral infection including pesticides, aerosol sprays and many more which are currently being researched and developed.  A breakthrough invention like the mosquito buster is discussed further in this paper. The mosquito buster is a vaporizer which has a high effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes. This paper focuses on the effectiveness of essential oil used in the vaporizer in repelling mosquitoes. Mosquitos were captured using the ovitrap for experimental purposes. An experimental setup rig was developed in order to study the knockdown rate of each concentration of essential oil. The concentration of essential oil varies from 1.25% to 10%. Based on the results obtained, it is known that at the maximum time the experiment was ceased which is at the 80th minute, a complete success rate is obtained at an essential oil concentration of 10%.





