Drowsiness Detection System Using Haar Classifiers


  • Shubham Kumar Singh, Smit Soni, Sonu Suman, Soumyalatha Naveen


The image processing algorithm is used to create a non-intrusive device that can detect any human being's exhaustion and that can provide a timely alert. Studies by the expert show that about one-fifth of all serious motorway incidents are due to tired drivers in need of rest, which suggests that drowsiness causes more road accidents than drunk driving. Using a camera, this device can track driver eyes and, by creating an algorithm, we can predict driver’s fatigue symptoms early enough to prevent the person from sleeping. Right now, consider certain parameters like the discovery of the face, the position of the head and the flickering of the eye. Picture Processing Algorithms are utilized to guarantee legitimate identification of tiredness to keep away from mishaps. So, this project will help detect driver fatigue in advance and will offer alarm and pop-up warming performance.





