Challenges and Future Learning Blended Learning-Based Information Technology


  • Jusmita Weriza, Jalius Jama, Hansi Effendi, Titi Sriwahyuni, Zulkifli


Nowadays e-learning trends are increasing from day to day. One of the tool to improve and apply this concept is through blended learning. This paper provides an overview of the challenges and future of learning for students and lecturers. It Also gives an overview of education in universities. The application of blended learning appropriately to overcome these educational challenges. In this 21st era, increasingly widespread technological developments has made face-to-face learning (face-to-face) decrease in attractiveness. Some students feel that face-to-face learning is no longer effective and makes them feel bored quickly. They are more interested in utilizing the development of existing technology to carry out the learning process by e-learning. By using blended learning students will be able to compete and overcome educational challenges especially for students at universty level who have great educational challenges. In the past in the classroom was the "transfer" of knowledge from teacher to student, then in this modern century  happened in the classroom is the exchange of knowledge between teacher and students as well as between students and their peers. Tutoring for learners is given from the beginning, so that learners have a combination of learning skills from the beginning, because this ability will be a learning tool in the future.





