Classification and Characterization of the Sustainable Wetland Bello Horizonte


  • Doris Esenarro
  • Ciro Rodriguez
  • Karen Huachaca
  • Betsy Cachay
  • Carmen Aylas


This research seeks to generate the classification and characterizationof the sustainable wetland Bello Horizonte according to the Ramsar Convention, due to the information gaps it presents, is used satellite images of the Google Earth Pro, are analyzed and overlap of the study district geographical layers, identifying vegetation cover, land use, hydrology, ecosystems, and climates using geographic information systems. The benefits for the promotion of its conservation as a natural resource and fragile ecosystem could be reached with more research and potentization in a sustainable way, such as the implementation of clean technologies for its conservation, maintenance, recovery, and income generation as a future place with great tourism potential,  according to Peruvian National Forestry and Wildlife Authority (SERFOR) and the Peruvian Ministry of Environment (MINAM), and that provides ecosystem services to the populations, the main one being the provision of water in a coastal and desert zone, it is the habitat of different species of flora and fauna; the methodology applied is based on the collection of field information and the systematization of data through a geographic information system.





