Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (CO2) through the use of the Hybrid Engine (Hydrogen Fuel)


  • Doris Esenarro
  • Ciro Rodriguez
  • Oswaldo Alfaro Alfaro
  • Pervis Paredes
  • Pedro Amaya


This research paper proposes a hybrid engine (Hydrogen fuel) as an alternative to using clean energy, aimed at lower fossil fuel consumption, reducing the use of gasoline, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and mitigate air pollution and global warming[1]. The analysis is based on random samples of carburetor-engine vehicles, which have a low complexity of the engine, taking the levels of CO2 and hydrocarbons as measurements, with the objective of determining the performance of the use of hydrogen in the vehicle [2].The engines of vehicles in Lima are not prepared for this type of fuel combination, so this experimental research required the adaptation of the vehicle's operating system and the installation of a Hydro Assist Full Cell kit, that means it became a Hybrid engine (Hydrogen - Gasoline); to, finally, evaluate and examine the effects it produces on the environment and the economy [3].





