Influence of Digital Technology on Advertising Methods: A Review
Advancement intechnology has influenced media houses including newspapers, television and radio. This indicates that technology has spared none of the media genre including advertising. Advertising the paid communication format is an essential form of information content for various media formats as publishing it brings revenue to the media houses. Media apart from its primary function of education, information and entertainment also creates a platform for buyers and sellers and purposely advertising plays an important role in the process of marketing communication. As media channel is a central element in the communication between advertiser and consumer, any change in media will also bring in change in advertising format. The advancement of technology has altered the nature of media and it is important to see how it has affected advertising methods. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review on how digital technology has changed the media platforms in creating and publishing the advertising message. This change has resulted in new ways of publishing advertising content. The knowledge derived out of the studywill enable the methods, advertising professionals have adopted in understanding consumer’s new methods of buying, and incorporating new methods of interaction with consumers. This paper certainly focuses on the developments in media landscape which has inadvertently brought change in advertising methods.