Internet of Things based Solar Powered Truck
An increase in number of commodities and population, complexity of the delivery process also has increased considerably hence it has become a necessity to imbibe automation in the process of delivery. Smart Delivery Truck has been designed which is controlled using a mobile phone through the Internet of Things. The Truck is designed in a more secure way such that only authorized persons can access the products inside the truck. This is achieved through capturing the face of the customer who wishes to access the product and compare with the database to recognize the face. The customer can be taken out the product, once face is recognized a mechanical box would be opened automatically. Once the face is recognized and after delivery, a mail is sent to the seller as a confirmation. The controller is Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The motion of the truck can be controlled by using a mobile phone or by a computer by sharing a common Internet Protocol (IP) address between the controller and mobile/computer. Open CV with Haar Cascade library is used for recognizing the features of the face. Solar power has been used to power the truck. The importance of the presented system is verified in prototype model.