Life Saver : Intelligent Traffic Control System for Ambulance Prioritization Using IoT
Nowadays traffic jam is one of the biggest disquiet. Traffic congestion as well as tidal flow management were identified as the critical impact in modern cities, which have created discomfort for the emergency vehicles. Inspite of all these, road accidents in heavy cities are becoming constant and tend to have the loss of life , which are even more crucial. In this study, the ambulance communicates with traffic light controller with the nearest crossway through a suite of high level communication protocol used to create personal area network called as RF module. This kind of communication between the traffic light controller helps to reach the destination on time. This paper stresses the complete use of available technique in an optimize manner and to utilize it for maximum benefit for the public. The main motto behind our project is to provide a smart way of controlling traffic light timing during peak hours and also to provide smooth flow for ambulance.