Challenges and Problems of Transgender
The term transgender refers to people whose sense of their own gender differs from what would be expected based on the sex characteristics with which they were born. Transgender is also a part of the society and they have equal right to everything in the world that is available to all other persons. The community of transgender is a portion of the social order and they have equal rights in everything that is presented to all others in the world. Since time immemorial the presence of such transgender are not new and are engraved in history. Transgender is often used as an umbrella term to signify individuals who defy rigid, binary gender constructions and who expresses or present a breaking and blurring of culturally prevalent stereotypically gender roles. Transgender people are not strangers to society. They people have been discriminated for long enough. Transgender people are discriminated on an almost daily basis. They are discriminated in the workplace. Transgender inequality is the unequal protection. The present study focused with the challenges and problems of transgender community. For analysis purpose 50 transgender people were interviewed through an interview schedule. Researcher adopted purposive sampling method for collecting data. The final result of the study reveals that they people have insecurity and discrimination and face lot of problems in our society. Majority of the respondents don’t have an awareness level towards the schemes and rights provided by government for their life.