The Effect of Digital Marketing on Urban Tourist Visit Decision in Bandung City


  • Vany Octaviany
  • Teguh Widodo
  • Ersy Ervina


The development of urban tourism is a motivation for a city government to make tourism a driving factor in the local and regional economic growth. The city of Bandung can present a variety of innovation and creativity as shown by its well-known fashion and culinary industry. As a result, the city is currently known by various nicknames, including the City of Flowers, Paris Van Java, City of Parahyangan, City of Culinary Tourism, City of Shopping Tourism, and City of Arts. This shows that the city of Bandung has the potential to develop urban tourism. The development of urban tourism cannot be separated from the tourism marketing. The tourism marketing strategy that can be developed along with the high use of the internet is digital marketing. Utilization of digital marketing is in line with the development of urban tourism, where many urban tourism activities are known to tourists based on information that tourists get through digital media. Unfortunately in the development of urban tourism, there has never been a measurement of the effect of digital marketing strategies in influencing tourists' decisions to visit urban tourism. The implementation of a digital marketing strategy is expected to help the city government in attracting more visitors to enjoy urban tourism as the city's new tourism product. Therefore, this study was aimed at examining the effect of digital marketing on the urban tourist visit decision in the city of Bandung. The method used in this study was descriptive verification. The multiple linear regression techniques were performed in this study to analyze the collected data. According to the analysis results, the variables of social media (X1) and review and rating (X2) have a partial and simultaneous effect on the visitor decision variable (Y) with a value of 0.960 (96%). The remaining 4% is influenced by other factors not explained in this study.





