Potential of Smart Tourism Destination in Bandung City


  • Dwiesty Dyah Utami
  • Endang Komesty Sinaga
  • Metta Karuna Desiria
  • Nurwinda Febriani
  • Revanni Anggraini Prayitno


Governments around the world invest a lot in smart city projects and there are increasing interest in utilizing existing information and communication technology (ICT) facilities for tourism activity, that condition is known as a smart tourism destination (Gretzel, Zhong, & Koo, 2016; Zhu, dkk, 2014; Buhalis, dkk, 2013). Bandung is known as a smart city and makes tourism as a leading sector for its regional development (Putri, 2018), Bandung City has the potential to become a smart tourism destination. However, there has been no in-depth research on this. Therefore, this research aims to determine the potential of Bandung City to become a smart tourism destination and its forming dimensions, those are smart attraction, smart accessibility, smart amenities, smart ancillary, smart activities, and smart available packages. This research uses descriptive qualitative method to explore, describe the conditions or phenomena regarding the potential for smart tourism destinations in Bandung City with data collection techniques using interviews with governments and associations, observation, and documentation studies. The results of this study are Bandung City has aspects of destination smart tourism even though there are still many obstacles such as the availability of facilities, data, information, and limited funds.





