Perspective on the Role of Pentahelix Collaboration Towards the Development of Energy Innovation in Higher Education
Collaboration Penta Helix is known to accelerate the development of entrepreneurship innovation in universities by prioritizing participation in developing creatively based relationship or entrepreneurship in creative industries or called as creativepreneurship. This study applied the partnership model of Mohr and Spekman (1994) in describing the collaborative model of Penta Helix among stakeholders in the development of entrepreneurial innovation in universities, which involves: attributes, communication behavior, and conflict resolution techniques. This study aimed to determine perspective perpetrators and the role of perpetrators helix penta to the development of entrepreneurial innovation in universitiy. The study design is a causal or causal research. The analysis of this research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis, which is operated through Lisrel Program. Population in this research was lecturer of entrepreneurship subject. Based on the sampling technique by purposive sampling that the lecturer had to take entrepreneurship subject at least twice / semester so that got the number of samples as many as 120 people. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that there were significant positive attributes, communication behavior, and conflict resolution techniques to the development of entrepreneurship innovation in universities, either partially or simultaneously.