Effect of Global Systems of Mobile Technology (GSM) on Standard of Living of People: Evidence from Nigeria
This study examines the effect of Global Systems of Mobile-Telecommunication (GSM) technology on subscribers’ standard of living with empirical evidence from Nigeria. Survey design was adopted and data was collected through structured self-administered questionnaire designed on 5-point Likert scale. The main source of data was primary and the target population consisted of management staff of 12 selected firms in the south eastern states of Nigeria. A sample size of 381 was drawn from the study population of 47650 using Kothari approach. The single hypothesis formulated was tested with ordinary linear regression analysis at 0.05 level of significant. Based on the analyzed data, the study found that there is a positive significant effect of GSM technology on subscribers’ standard of living. It is advised that Nigerian Government should provide adequate support and enabling environment for telecommunication firms to expand their operations and stimulate economic activities. The study further recommended that managers of telecommunication firms’ should utilize more effective service strategy since it has been proven to have the highest significant impact on the people living standard.