Finding the Optimal Sharpe Ratio in Continuous-Time Markets with and Without A Risk-Free Assets in Amman Stock Exchange


  • Ibrahim Salah Al-Radaideh
  • Mohamad Ajlouni


The aim of this study is to find the optimal Sharpe ratio in the markets with the continuation of time with and without risk-free assets on the Amman Stock Exchange during the period (2008-2017). The study uses the method of overlapping periods to achieve continuous-time. The study uses the Excel program to find the optimal Sharpe ratios for the share through the cut-off model. The study finds that there are is 7 sub-periods of 40, i.e. 18 %, above the cut-off point with risk-free in continuous timing model .Three of the periods are ranked as good periods to invest with 42.9%, and four of the periods are ranked as very good periods to invest with 57.1%. The period number 24 (24-4-2015 to 17-1-2016) is the best period to invest in services and industrial sectors with a return of 94%. On the other hand, the cut-off point without risk free case, there are 7 sub-periods of 40 above the cut-off point in continuous timing model. Two of these periods are ranked as good periods to invest with 28.6%, and five of these periods are ranked as very good periods to invest with 71.4%. Period number 35 (23-8-2016 to 16-5-2017) is the best period to invest in services and industrial sectors with a return of 99%.





