A Study for Object Recognition and Tracking Service using IR camera


  • Jeongah Han
  • Wonshik Na


Stamp tour operators for the most part seem rely merely on a demonstration offer. While diving deeper into how to design such tours more interestingly, object recognition and tracking technology using IR (infrared) cameras as an input tool is thought to open an opportunity to entire more visitors.
Batches of raw data fed from an IR camera are analyzed for object characteristics and added to a specific machine learning model to classify them into unique categories. These datasets are then further analyzed and compared to identify different objects. A variety of machine learning algorithms can be combined with feature extraction methods to build a high-accuracy object recognition model based on which analyzed data are utilizable to provide more meaningful stamp tours. IR cameras installed for such purposes may, when not in use, serve as CCTV cameras to help prevent potential accidents.
An IR camera is a device that detects infrared energy in a tracked form and converts it into an electrical signal, which is then processed to produce a thermal image or video and output it on a monitor. As we can obtain temperature related information, heat sensed by an IR camera can be very precisely measured, allowing us to not only monitor thermal performance, but also evaluate the relative severity of thermal energy-related issues. Image processing is technology that intelligently analyzes images collected by image sensors, which includes CMS (content management software) and VMS (video management software) that collect, monitor and manage video, as well as all intelligent components built in image sensors themselves. IR cameras where necessary make the most of infrared image pretreatment method including background modeling or image compensation, detection and classification method for detecting and classifying objects of interest, tracking method for continuously tracking detected objects, and method for security of infrared image data. Just stepping by famous tourist attractions meaninglessly is not pleasurable. Stamp trail tours designed to add an element of fun would be more utilizable if visitors are given chances to not only collect stamps on designated sites, but also solve random quizzes on places they visit by scanning QR code with their smartphones to connect the internet.
The study hereof caters to user demands and social trends since object recognition and tracking services using IR cameras surely push motivations for travel and enhance the quality of tourism.





