Distance-Based 2-Hop Clustering Algorithm in WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks)


  • Joong-Ho Lee


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with huge sensor nodes are randomly deployed over a wide area and sensors node have to transfer aggregated data to other node under power constraints. Multi-hop routing and distance-based clustering method have proposed to improve the lifetime of sensors in the network. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Layer) scheme is a proposed clustering algorithm to improve energy efficiency by evenly distributing the energy of sensors in WSN. This article proposes a single unit distance based two-hop clustering method for clustering and analyzes the energy persistence of sensor nodes in the formed clusters. Distance-based formation has physical distance limit between sensor nodes when forming a cluster, and hop-based cluster formation has logical distance between sensor nodes. By taking advantage of these two clustering, energy efficiency between sensors can be increased.
System: As members forming clusters, sensor nodes are recruited based on physical distances. However, this method has many limitations in recruiting cluster members due to the limitation of the distance between cluster members and the transmission energy. At this time, duplicate nodes between cluster groups occur. To overcome this limitation and duplication, hop-based clustering can be applied. When a cluster is formed, members based on distance can be recruited first. After then, hop-based members can be recruited from the first recruited member, eliminating duplicate nodes between cluster groups. That is duplicated member nodes between cluster groups must be registered in only one group, so it can limit to two-hop to eliminate duplicate registration. If the cluster head and the gate node are selected after removing the duplicate node in the cluster, and then cluster formation is completed. The proposed cluster formation method can improve energy efficiency when transfer node data in a hop-based network.
In this paper, we propose a clustering technique that applies distance-based and hop-based applications. The proposed cluster formation method can efficiently manage the operating energy when the gate node transfers data received from the cluster head to the next cluster head.





