Effect of Information Technology in the Implementation of Electronics Supply Chain Management to Improve Competitive Advantage and Company Performance


  • Sy. Akmal
  • S. Sinulingga
  • H. Napitupulu
  • N. Matondang


This research aims to find out whether the Impact Information Technology with electronic supply chain management and competitive Advantage will provide a significant influence on company performance. The approach of electronic supply chain management with five dimensions, namely: communication, collaboration, information sharing, Trust, and trading partner’s power. Variable of competitive advantage consists of five dimensions, which are price, Quality, Delivery, product innovation, and time to market. As for variable of company performance measured by three indicators: financial performance, operational performance and performance-based marketplace. Data collection is gathered by distributing questionnaires. The Analysis method used in hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The research found that the Effect of Information Technology with electronic Supply Chain management and Competitive advantage have significant effect on the performance of the company.





