Geothermalas a Treasure of Indonesia’s Energy Resistance


  • Alfi Kurnianti Salsabilla Choirun Nisa Alfikry
  • Cindy Nur Hidayah
  • Gigih Prihantono
  • Himmatul Kholidah


Indonesia has the potential of total geothermal resources of around 25,386.5 Mwe and in 2018 it is number 2 with the largest level of geothermal production in the world after the United States, namely 1,948.5 Megawatt (MW). Indonesia has great potential for geothermal energy as renewable energy resources. Geothermal energy is an alternative energy because its energy is cleaner pollution-free than coal energy which has an output of carbon pollution and greenhouse gases. Indonesia's potential for high geothermal energy production can be a treasure for the country's energy security and replace coal as a nonrenewable energy resources fossil fuel. Geothermal is chosen as an alternative energy generator by considering economic, environmental, social and regulatory aspects. The development of the Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) faces the challenge that requires sufficient careful attention and analysis because of the country's energy security that must be fought for and the environment that must be maintained in balance. The government prepares several solutions with the existence of renewable energy programs and policies that exist as a boundary and supervision.





