Features of Material Culture of Bukhara


  • Zhuraev Shodmon Faizullaevich
  • Ashurov Maraba Sayfullaeva


Bukhara is the oldest city not only in Asia but also in the world. The history of the city's origin and development is centuries-old and has a very rich material and spiritual basis. Bukhara has the fundamental foundations of all types of culture of human civilization. Studying the material culture of Bukhara is one of the most interesting directions in the history of Uzbekistan. It includes philosophical, semantic, art history, source studies, archaeological, architectural, ethnographic and literary aspects of the study of this area. All these aspects are derived from each other and they are interlinked within each other. But they also have their own specificity in relation to other aspects of the study. The archaeological aspects of the study primarily require a specific archaeological site (preferably with rich cultural layers) and items of craft and everyday life. Coin finds are of course primary for numismatic research. And art historians need rich ornamentation and motifs in the study materials. This is the beginning of the semantic and then philosophical interpretation of material culture items. In this sense, the objects of material culture have their own unique features of study. Features of the material culture of Bukhara is that from simple archaeological objects of study, they gradually turn into a subject of study of semantics and philosophy. All this is covered by ethnographic research areas. Ethnographic traditions of the people, as well as the way of life of the same people in different forms is reflected in the objects of material culture. This serves as a Foundation for the philosophical interpretation of objects and objects of material culture.





