Work Stress among Construction Company Managers in UAE


  • Lija .P


Due to the expansion of dexterous and well-trained managers, most of the multinationals together with IT gives high preference to expatriates in the companies particularly in Construction Companies, engineering and leaders position such as management controllers those who actually target reforms and which can lead to business hikes. Moreover ,the data and knowledge present in them had upgraded organization performance. In spite of this , several of them area unit defined to figure pressure that sometimes can lead to the crisis of  UAE construction corporations.The purpose of this paper is to examine  such development associated with work pressure at geographic point.Some elements that influence  the work stress at geographic point are high volume of work,clash of role and social contact  area unit . Expatriates WHO area unit operating in UAE construction corporations were used as the key data during this study as a complete of ninety valid questionnaires were earned.From the study,It was concluded that  the employment and social contacts were vital however on the opposite hand role competition wasn't a big issue that leads to work stress among the expatriate managers WHO area unit operating within the construction corporations.

Keywords: Work load, Expatriates, Construction Companies, UAE.





