Risk-Taking Behavior towards the Intention of Santri Entrepreneur in the Theopreneurship Pesantren


  • Suliswiyadi ‎
  • Agus Miswanto
  • Marlina Kurnia
  • Irham Nugroho


The background of the problem of this research is the phenomenon of santri entering pesantren not hoping after graduating to get a job. In the pesantren they focus on studying religion, while the issue of sustenance is the will of God for those who try. This belief attitude encourages santri to have the courage to carry out activities to create risk-facing behavior in daily life. The aim of this study are: 1) to study the risk-taking behavior of santri in pesantren, 2) to determine santri motivation (entrepreneurial intentions) in pesantren, and 3) to examine the effect of risk-taking behavior on the intention of santri entrepreneurs in theopreneurship pesantren. The research method is qualitative and quantitative descriptive by conducting a survey of pesantren students from several pesantren in Central Java. The results of the study concluded that the risk-taking behavior variable had a positive effect on the variables, which meant that the students' interest in entrepreneurship was higher; Motivation variables or entrepreneurial intentions have a positive effect on santri entrepreneurial readiness, which means that the greater the entrepreneurial intention, the more tangible actions of the santri business will be realized; and the theopreneur variable has enthusiasm in influencing the intention or interest of santri entrepreneurs in boarding schools. Thus the religious spirit in the pesantren forms the mindset of the santri in various activities. In theory, the mindset of the santri is influenced by the religious values they believe in.





