Comparison of Internet Based Learning and Conventional Learning Models on Computer Self-Efficacy Ability


  • Pris Priyanto
  • Diah Ayu Kurniasih


The potential of technology not only increases the efficiency, effectiveness, and flexibility of the learning process, but also improves material development, changes the role of learning and develops student autonomy even further. The role of the teacher as a source of knowledge is transformed into facilitators, motivators, evaluators, and tutors. This study formulates the problem, is there a difference in learning outcomes of WAN subjects between groups of students using a web-centric-based learning model and groups of students who use conventional learning models in students of Computer and Network Engineering. This research includes quasi-experimental research. The design is the design version of the nonequivalent control group. Subject learning outcomes that carry out WAN Network Based Equipment Installation (Wide Area Network) between groups that have self-efficacy and computers that have groups that have computer self-efficacy abilities in class XII students who have low competence in Computer Engineering and Expertise Network in SMK Batik 1 Surakarta   shows a difference. Groups of students who have the efficacy of self-efficacy, computers, provide better learning outcomes than groups of students with self-efficacy, lower computer skills in subjects, install WAN-Based Network Devices (Wide Area Networks) in SMK Batik 1 Surakarta.





