Learning Model Based on Soft Skill with the Constructivist and Behavioristic Approach


  • Imron ‎
  • Suliswiyadi ‎
  • Afga Sidiq Rifai


In Indonesia, the goal of national education must reflect the achievement of cognitive (hard skills) and affective (soft skills). The combination of hard skills and soft skills should be reflected in the competency of qualified graduates. One important aspect that is used as a tool for transforming soft skills to students is through classroom learning. In class, the lecturer must be a role model. This model places lecturers as role models in implementing soft skill values. Teaching soft skills to students in classroom learning, should use the following principles: (1) Lecturers must assign soft skills components to the learning design; (2) Teaching soft skills requires a role of model from the instructor; and (3) Development of soft skills is carried out through discussion, teamwork, and other supporting activities. Therefore, the paradigm of developing soft skills-based learning must focus on the application of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with a constructive approach to the scientific construct (andragogical approach), and a behavioristic approach to the development of student soft skills (pedagogical approach).





