Consumer Perception towards Smart Marketing of CSR activities


  • Kirti Prashar
  • Tanveer Kaur


Corporate social responsibility is the indispensible part of today’s organisation. No organisation can survive without fulfilling their social responsibilities. This research is performed to study the concept of corporate social responsibility and digital marketing and also to find out the main factors affecting social responsibility in our country and also to examine the relation between corporate social responsibility and digital marketing in the smart world. Corporate social responsibility covers the responsibility of all the organisations towards our society and economic development of country being the part of society and using our country resources. Corporate social responsibility in combination with various e marketing tools result in the success of organisations in today’s dynamic world.  Internet marketing and mobile marketing are the latest trend in marketing which are used by many organisation’s to reach their widely spread customers and also to help in economic growth of country. The research paper concludes that the organisation’s need to change with dynamic environment and should employ various e marketing tools in organisation and should also focus on their corporate social responsibility for their long term growth.





