Design and Development of Hexapedal Robot to Achieve High Level of Mobility
The main problem in current hexapod and hexapedal robot is the power source. In order to overcome the power supply problem in most of the robots currently used, energy generation would be a good option. Although, energy generation is feasible only for bigger robots, additional mechanical actuations are necessary in comparing with smaller robots to generate current in order to charge its power supply or battery. For motion in all types of terrain, hexapedal robot is a better option. Hexapedal robot which is also known as RHex will be an option which will be easier to replicate both biological based design and to implement battery charging and system performance monitoring method. The developed design is inspired closely to locomotion of cockroach and is classified as a hexapedal robot. After proper research and reference, C-shaped leg made from 3mm stainless steel sheet was designed and fabricated. C-shaped leg used in this design is the simplest version available for hexapedal robot. Developed design is fully implemented into operation using arduino based microcontroller (UNO R3). In order to monitor the developed design’s performance, its battery level is monitored throughout using LabVIEW based GUI. As the robot operates, its batteries will discharge accordingly. Battery’s current and voltage values will be displayed in control station through radio frequency data transfer. On the whole, the developed design is able to move well in numerous types of unplanned terrains (irregular surface) and is able to climb obstacle whose height is upto 70mm.