A Study on Data Analysis of Vector RDBMS Using Security Data


  • Cheolhee Yoon
  • Jang Mook Kang
  • Jung Joong Kim


With the combination of ICT and manufacturing technology, Security Analystics has only recently been applied to industrial sites and public institution. Although Security data is increasing exponentially, it is difficult to grasp the hidden information in the process because of its huge amount. However, many analytical attempts have already been made using the Big Data Platform, and as a result, the analysis of production process data, which is the basis of Security and Safety, is progressing more and more efficiently. This paper also Sourced to study system model for quality defect analysis of Security Data Analysis. The proposed model is composed mainly of the data produced in the security data log for efficient analysis. The main equipment where log data is loaded is Web service segments such as Web servers and WAS, as well as firewalls, ips, DDos, and network equipment that control it in front of them. Artificial intelligence data analysis of log data is considered important, and schools and public institutions are also filtering out the vast amount of log data.

In this paper, the correlation analysis between events was applied in order to obtain the information required through artificial intelligence techniques and large-scale data analysis. In addition, the Commission proposed a secure log data analysis system that builds a virtualization-based infrastructure for analysis of massive amounts of collected secure log data and uses Vector DBMS to collect and store data, which is much faster than traditional methods.





