Efficient Sensor Programming Patterns in SPL of MSRDS


  • Jong-In Chung


SPL of MSRDS provides many functions for sensor programming. The sensor programming can be implemented into two types of patterns: procedure and while–loop. The easiest way to check the sensor’s measured value is to use the procedure sensor notify pattern in SPL. But the pattern can have a synchronization problem between procedure execution and sensor notification. Therefore, the procedure sensor notify pattern can lead to an abnormality of robot control. However, the while-loop pattern is known to cause system overload because the robot control routine is executed whenever the while-loop block executes. This study suggests the efficient programming scheme to control the robot movement. This study consider three efficient programming schemes to control the robot movement by studying the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure and while loop scheme and also makes a simulation environment to evaluate the performance for the three considered schemes. The simulation environment consists of a maze and a robot with one of three potential sensors. This study measures the required travel time and robot actions (number of turns and number of collisions) needed to escape the maze and compares the performance for the three considered schemes





