Service Supply Chain-Lean and Green Practices Adopted by Indian Banks
Banking services are progressively rising their importance in the global economy. In the context of Indian banking, there is a paradigm shift from manual to an automated system. Supply chain information flows through digitalization is very useful in managing stakeholders. This information flow model has increased customer inclusion, saves time and has increased manifold volume of transactions. Davies Robin [1], the financial services industry has become one of the highest growth sectors of the global Lean Six Sigma market.Efficient green banking is the integration of physical processes with the digital infrastructure to create an effective distribution and settlement of cash transactions. Banking operations are looking for an overall reduction of carbon footprints. Green banking is incorporating and promoting environmental-friendly practices to reduce carbon footprints by adopting lean practices. These Lean concepts have combined operational improvements, technology adaptation and changing habits in the banking business. This research is attempting to investigate the effect of green technologies on Indian banking and its customer satisfaction.