Impact of Strategy Implementation (Strategy, Structure, and Human Resources) on Organizational Performance with in Abu Dhabi Police, UAE
The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of strategy implementation on the organizational performance in the context Abu-Dhabi police department in the UAE. The present study adopts quantitative research design in its quest to achieve a credible study. As such, questionnaire was developed and used to elicit the respondents’ opinion on the effects of strategy formulation on the UAE public sector performance. 423 usable responses were analyzed using SPSS and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling-Variance Based was employed to assess the research model. Non-probability sampling technique was adopted to gather the required quantitative data. Based on the findings in relation to this objective, the study concluded that the results indicated that strategy implementation (strategy, structure, and human resources) has a significant and positive impact on organizational performance. Results would give insights for Abu-Dhabi police.