Implementation of Image Processing System for the Detection of Plant Disease


  • Lakshmi Swathi Kagitala
  • Gowri ‎
  • T. Maheshwar
  • Anurag Shishodia
  • K. Logu


The aim of this project is to identify the diseased leaves in the food crops. The samples of leaves are collected and the images of the same are uploaded in the system. By using Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) the images are compared with Region of Interface (ROI) method. The image is processed through MATLAB, and thus the segmentation occurs, by analyzing through graphical user interface, the clusters will be formed. By using feature extraction method the diseased leaves are identified.  Through classification and ROI, the status of the leaf is detected and checks whether the leaf is healthy or not. If the crop is healthy, it shows “healthy crop” and if the crop is unhealthy, the name of the disease with which the crop is infected shall be shown along with the affected area. Improvised the accuracy of the identification of diseased leaves in efficient manner by comparing the various parameters such as colours, shape of the leaves, by analyzing through statistical measures like skewness, kurtosis, variance, mean and standard deviation.





