Secured Search for Personal Health Record in Multi-Source Cloud


  • N. Praveen Kumar Reddy
  • N. Venkateshwara Rao


Cloud-based Personal Health Record frameworks (CB-PHR) have incredible potential in encouraging the administration of individual wellbeing records. Security and assurance concerns are among the central obstacles for the wide gathering of CB-PHR structures. In this paper, we consider a multi-source CB-PHR system in which distinctive data providers, for instance, crisis centres and specialists are affirmed by particular data owners to move their very own prosperity data to an untrusted open cloud. The wellbeing information are submitted in an encoded structure to guarantee information security, and every datum supplier likewise submits scrambled information lists to empower inquiries over the encoded data. We propose a novel Multi-Source Order-Preserving Symmetric Encryption plan whereby the cloud can consolidate the mixed data records from various data providers without understanding the document content. It enables ef?cient and security sparing inquiry taking care of in that an information client can present a solitary information question the cloud can process over the encoded information from all related data providers without understanding the request content.





