Understanding Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Quick Service Restaurant Industry


  • Lazuardi Miftahul Falah
  • Nurul Hermina
  • Muhammad Asyraf Hasim


The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the dimensions of service quality on customer satisfaction in the Jakarta quick serve market and to indicate which factors have a main role in driving customer satisfaction. Primary data in the form of 200 questionnaire responses werebeen collected from a variety of quick service restaurants in the Jakarta. Likert seven-point rating scales were used to structure the questionnaire. Data were collected from the customers at two KFC restaurants, two McDonald’s restaurants, and two Burger King Restaurant. The results of the analysis indicate that tangibles play the most important role in driving customer satisfaction in the Jakarta quick serve industry. Results of correlation and regression analysis show that physical attributes (tangible) of service quality are the key to customer satisfaction. In a nutshell, the tangibles variable is the most important factor driving customer satisfaction in the context of the Jakarta fast food market. This research incorporates unique and original insights in relation to the fast food restaurants market. The findings of this research have contributed to a better understanding of the main factors that influence service quality and customer satisfaction and have implications from a managerial point of view in the highly competitive Jakarta quick serve and wider fast food service industry.





