Attitude of consumer towards Green Marketing product to protect Environment for sustainable Development: A study with reference to Rayalaseema Region AndhraPradesh
Environmental issue is becoming a serious burning problem nowadays. ‘Success’ might have a single cause, but the failure has many. And our miserable failure in protecting our environment has many attributes. Among these attributes, the rapid growth in the economy and the pattern of consumer consumption and behavior is continuing to worsen. The developed and the developing countries are to be alarmed particularly because of their heavy usage of eco –foe products. The major issue confronting the corporate world today is maintaining ecological balance. The natural resources which are irreplaceable by any other are getting depleted at a rapid pace. Hence “Green marketing” is gaining its currency. Green marketing is “Back to nature “which includes recyclable, refillable, eco-friendly nature-based products. Confrontation of any problem depends on the attitude of the consumer. Hence this paper highlights’ the consumer attitude will be successful at (i) belief level (ii) action level. The small changes at least 30% of our daily needs will bring a great integral part of social change.