Using Local Stories-Based Questions to Improve Mathematics Problem Solving in Middle School Students


  • Rasiman ‎
  • Kartinah ‎
  • Dina Prasetyowati


The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of problem solving ability of junior high school students with low mathematical ability in solving Javanese culture-based story problems. The subjects of the study were Grade VII students with low mathematical abilities with the criteria of being able to communicate well, verbally and in writing. The main instruments were researchers and supporting institutions consisting of mathematics ability test instruments, Javanese culture-based story questions instruments, and interview guidelines. Credibility in this study uses source triangulation. Data analysis was performed by data categorization, data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1) the subject responded to the problem well, so that all data known based on the experience experienced, (2) the subject had not yet identified the facts of the problem and had not made a complete plan of completion, (3) the subject in completing incomplete and inconsistent processing and making mistakes in arithmetic operations, and (4) the subject has not yet reached a conclusion based on the right reasons.





