Research Scopes in Laser Based AM for Metals- An Ample Assessment


  • Avinash Malladi
  • K. Karunakaran


Additive manufacturing (AM) contributing to increase of National Grass Product (NGP) and National Net Products (NNP) by buy-to-fly ratio, that is saving energy and time, low wastage, eco-friendly, encourages JIT production system and AM is a revolutionary approach in manufacturing industry, as it is a promising method in manufacturing the metal parts so as to overcome the common problems which are associated with conventional techniques. These methods mainly focus on the manufacturing of the multifaceted profiled or contoured parts (e.g., permeable gallows, freeform surfaces, and yawningniche). This concept deals with, adding up material in manufacturing a part than the concept of removal like conventional machining practices. This study focuses the laser AM of metals. The objective of this study to conduct the survey and highlight the research scope by identifying the application areas, methods involved, influencing parameters, possible new research objectives, possibilities of Hybrid manufacturing etc. for further research.





