Volatility of Digital Technology Enabled Learning through Social Media: Educators’ Apprehensions


  • Genimon V Joseph
  • Kennedy Andrew Thomas


The volatile digital strategies transform the whole world in tune with the challenges of the industry 4.0 supported by web 3.0 and Artificial Intelligence. Along with the volatile and rather ambiguous intelligent business advancements, considerable technology modification is envisaged in education sector also. The educators needed to be equipped with strategies and expertise in educational technologies to address the demands of ‘digital native’ learners. Efficient use of Digital Learning Environments in academic setting requires an edge in solving many important techno-social apprehensions mutually. This descriptive research study was aimed to identify the educator’s apprehensions and ambiguities on the use of IT through social media. The Higher Secondary School teachers were taken as the study population with a respondent sample of 564 in a stratified cluster sampling model. Discussions and feedback survey were used to gather data. This study revealed that strategies and preferences of digital resources varies considerably between teachers and students. Teachers prefer to adhere to less advanced or established systems where students prefer the budding technologies in collaborative model. The effectiveness of social media in education was rather ambiguous in nature. Teachers perceived that students’ social media use is to be moderated as it accelerates alienation from realities, provides shallow learning and cyberloafing. Result of this study may helpful to remodel the technology inclusion strategies in curriculum and teacher’s technology training also. Further elaborate researches may warrant in this regard.





