What are the factors to successful implementation of Smart Government Services in Developing Countries?
The introduction to employ m-government is considered as a modern trend in several developing nations. Also, the lack of studies that have addressed such issue. There are various factors associated with the developing countries. One of which their ability to execute the services of smart technology in their governments. This paper aims to reveal the various elements that will impact the users of smart government services. The technologies of mobile phones produced by the governments have a significant probability to affect the competence of the operation of the government to guarantee that such governments provide the optimal services to the people. Regardless the fact that a little of suggested technologies might not be accepted to the users who might not completely comprehend such process. As a result, the damage might be experienced. The governments gain a considerable opportunity for improvement if there are appropriate measures for improvement. The acceptance model proposed by Davis (1989) is considered as an additional technology. The importance of such model is embodied in its ability to cope with the factors that impact the end-user's acceptance of various countries. Therefore, the governments shall be anxious to guarantee the successful execution of the smart government services. Ten suggested factors have been determined to impact the consumers’ adoption in the smart governments in the developing counties concerning the use of mobile application in the effective governments operation.