Online Optical Shop Application


  • Erik Firnando et al.


The ordering and purchasing system of eyeglasses at Mandarin Optical Pringsewu is still done manually, so the customers must come directly to the optic to make transactions. It makes the Mandarin Optical Pringsewu difficult to get many customers who come from outside the city. Therefore, the web application is considered suitable to be implemented, in addition to facilitate the purchase process, it can also be used as a promotional tool. This system has the main characteristics of implementing the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) methodology.This website is divided into two parts, namely administratorand customer.Administrator is used to control the system that has been created, while the customer is made so that the customers can do the online order and purchase. From the results of the questionnaire that has been collected, it can be concluded that the information system website application on Mandarin Optical Pringsewu has been able to meet the needs properly, and has quite complete features.





