Secure Data for Wireless Sensor Network using Detection Malcious Node Method


  • Oudani Hassan
  • Krit Salahddine
  • Karimi Khaoula
  • Elmaimouni Lahoucine


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network containing of extensive autonomous hundreds of thousands of devices. These sensors are used to monitor physical and environmental conditions. The trusted routing novel protocol is designed and is reliable and installs a secure network with power management. Based on conditions, hierarchy clustering is selected to use the cluster head system. The problematic of energy and safety in WSN is a huge drawback. All This constraint are used to overcome the correct routing protocol. Recent studies shown that the usage of a period and calculation efficient system of cryptography in conjunction including improved routing protocol is able to confirm energy-efficient and secure interaction on WSNs. In this paper we familiarize a novel strategy LSBEE (Loop Secure Based on Energy Efficient) which is secure and energy efficient able to detect a malicious node in WSN. Trial results display that our proposed method routing protocol accomplishes improvement than the already existing state-of-the-art protocols  in the form of number of live nods during number of rounds, stability period, and detection a malicious nodes in WSN using Simulink Matlab 2013.





