A Systematic Review on the Various Approaches used for Achieving Energy Consumption in Cloud


  • Rishu Gulati
  • S S Tyagi


Cloud computing is an infrastructure for performing the organization and web application is cost effective way. The implementation of cloud computing has gained attention of computing as an advantage and enhances applications from consumer, business and scientific domains. Though, this operation faces huge energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission and related cost concerns. With energy consumption becoming the major problem for the maintenance and operation of cloud data centres, the cloud computing providers are becoming profoundly concerned. Greater consumption of energy not only translates to greater cost of operation but also badly influences the surroundings. The cloud design is such that it must be power efficient. Data centres are becoming essential infrastructure for assisting the provided services by cloud computing. They consume huge amount of energy reporting for 3 percent of electrical energy consumption globally. The impact of this is that the providers of cloud faces greater costs of operation which leads to data centre’s infrastructure increased usage. The main aim of this study is to develop the utilization of computing resources and reduce the consumption of energy under independent quality of service constraints of workload. This study presents the survey of various techniques used for consumption of energy in cloud computing.





