Enhanced Management Skills for Restaurant Phase Internship


  • Ronald M. Ramirez


This study assessed the TESDA competency standards on cookery, bread and pastry, food and beverage services and predictors for successful internship of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management interns of CTU- San Francisco Campus restaurant phase for school year 2014-2015 as well as the instructors and industry supervisors. Descriptive method of research was adopted using survey questionnaires with the following respondents, five (5) Hospitality Management Instructors, forty (40) student interns and five (5) industry supervisors of the interns from the different cooperating agencies. It used simple percentage and Likert scale for the categorical rating of TESDA- based competencies as well as in the predictors for a successful internship. Results showed that based on TESDA competency requirements on cookery, food and beverageboth instructors and industry supervisors had indicated highly competent. However, student believed that they needed to enhance their skills in pastry food and beverages to come up with the desire of the industry. It is then recommended that the enhancement program of the school on the identified competencies be pursued. Successful internship program of the school can be strengthened through linkage with industry.





