Research on Thermal Fault Detection System of Electrical Equipment Based on Image Feature Analysis


  • Hongzhao Li


The incidence of poor contact accidents of factory electrical equipment is relatively high
and it accounts for a relatively large proportion of electrical faults in the entire system,
which is a very common fault problem. Once the maintenance and management
personnel of the electrical system improperly handle the operation, it will cause serious
waste of energy and raw materials, which will have a negative impact on the
establishment of a resource-saving society in my country. In recent years, from the
analysis of the failure of the electrical equipment in our country’s factories, the
probability of the occurrence of poor contact is very high, which has a negative impact
on the normal production of the enterprise. It is necessary to take active measures to
solve the problem by using image features in response to the current situation. , Fully
guarantee the safety of engineering production. Carrying out daily regular inspections,
the staff have a high sense of responsibility. Electrical maintenance work cannot be
completed overnight. Long-term inspections and inspections are required to ensure that
all parts are in a good and stable working condition. If there is any abnormality,
immediately shut down for maintenance. In the daily management of electrical
equipment, it is necessary to strengthen inspections, find existing faults in time and take
necessary measures in a targeted manner, so as to eliminate potential safety hazards,
ensure smooth production and improve operational safety.





